
Those two comparisons — the Audrey and the Cyd — were actually warranted this time, but yeah, Cyd = legs usually. The Audrey comparison is kind of a backhanded compliment, really, because the whole point of that dance is that she looks like a pretentious spaz. But it was accurate. The Cyd dance I'd use to exemplify

No!!!! I had faith that my four seasons of Trannie-shipping would finally start to pay off. Unacceptable.

Yeah, I wish I liked that about 25% more.

"The not-hispanic guy"? I wasn't sure but that confirms it — he really hasn't seen Argo.

That's an excellent point. Especially at this point in the competition, about the only way the eliminated contestants might stay memorable is by proving they're gracious and professional, and that they will persevere in the face of disappointment. This is a better opportunity for them to do that than they've been

"Having initially moved to Los Angeles more than a decade ago to pursue screenwriting, DeVolld took a slight detour into recapping reality shows for a web site you've never heard of…" is more likely, if my L.A. friends are any indication.

I'd say humorless more than joyless, but I get your point.

Best buddy comedy that was originally supposed to be a romantic comedy starring Cher EVER, I say.

The streaming 80's radio station I listen to at work played "Can't Shake Loose" yesterday. That song is a fucking earworm.

The movie of Mame is an atrocity. I'm pretty sure half the budget was spent on the Vaseline they smeared the lens with every time they shot Lucille Ball.


Seriously. Other than some pretty gross ethnic stereotyping and some weird, here-is-where-the-scene-ended-onstage moments, there is literally nothing wrong with that movie.

Seriously. Other than some pretty gross ethnic stereotyping and some weird, here-is-where-the-scene-ended-onstage moments, there is literally nothing wrong with that movie.

@avclub-2b098d70917d04227685a908e784293b:disqus The hell we don't, you soymilk-bogarting pastafazool!

Wow, Aziz made Morrissey seem positively tuneful.

@google-395e54b0ef784ff83db81cbba961ac56:disqus  I'm pretty sure, and recaps seem to back me up, that they've only announced the bottom 3 after everyone has danced — that the "dance for your life" is the only one they do with the knowledge that they're in jeopardy.

That's what happened last year. The first three quarters of the show will be new choreography and the last half-hour will be devoted to eliminations.


Yeah, I was never able to recommend the movie unreservedly, because there were so many times where I'd be thinking to myself, this is dumb and kind of pointless…and then out of nowhere would come a moment so beautiful and heartbreaking I'd be in tears. I felt similarly, but not as strongly, about Beasts of the

@avclub-705562aaa4a5b85bfa44373d8e6bf234:disqus In the boardroom scene that preceded Peggy's Chanel No. 5 scene, a woman walked down the stairs in the background, looking just like Peggy, but dressed as Slutty Peggy. Like  totally a Peggy dress, but hemmed to crotch level. I was completely confused that 1) they would