
Oops, typo: @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus meant She-Ra.

Last night I realized to my horror that she kinda looks like Kris Jenner.


Since the show is already so much more hashtag-heavy than it's ever been before (and since they were on the bubble for renewal), I have a feeling the top 20 was driven much more than in other seasons by Twitter trends. Which makes the audition weeks and the Green Mile much more of a self-fulfilling prophecy — we

You're the birthday
You're the birthday
You're the birthday boy or girl

I got a Walking Dead TV Show notification for this?

@Adelaidey:disqus I hope you're not suggesting that you're less susceptible to the editing than I am. I think the fact that I'm rooting for Mariah proves otherwise. And I agree with you, if anything I'm overly predisposed to dislike someone when they lean so heavily on backstory. (Never came around on Cole though, I

Then Dianne Wiest makes you feel worse again.

I wish I felt that way, but my all-time favorites, like Froderman, Eliana, Ellenore, Joshua, had all gotten my attention by Vegas Week if not sooner. I'll have to keep an open mind, I guess. But come on Mariah Mariah Mariah.

Yeah they didn't always but they have for a few seasons at least.

If Mariah doesn't make it to the top 20 I officially have no horses in this race. I guess Fik-Shun. Jennifer Beals, I mean Jones, was the only other one I was particularly interested in.

That riff is "Little Bitch", hands down. I'm always a little disappointed when I hear it and it turns out to be "Bohemian Like You"…but only a little.

@avclub-54d4cda5a907f7d4dd75662ab0199318:disqus @Roswulf:disqus That would be an interesting Inventory, actually — roles that are consistent awards-bait.

"Better a bone."

I took to ibdb.com to confirm that Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf has been produced four times on Broadway, and the actor playing George has won three of those four times. So if you want a Tony, play George. Unless you're Ben Gazzara.

IFC Free is just the name for the IFC Xfinity folder. It is sort of misleading. Often the first episode of a show is made available to non-subscribers to build interest in the series, so maybe that's what happened here. I don't have Xfinity so I can't speak to this specific instance, but I work with VOD and

The only time I don't get it that I'm aware of is when it's a repeat. I got this week's, if that's what's prompting this post.

Congratulations, the correct answer is Enver Gjokaj.

More like Pete WORST amirite

If her name's on the credit card accounts she really should have had some idea what was going on. If there is a lesson to be learned here, it's keep an eye on your finances, even if you think you have no reason to be concerned.