
Out of Sight?



"BIG FINISH!! Dun-nun-nuh."

So small, though.

Ok yeah. Unfortunately the written word thrives on variation, and I don't think anyone wants to read a series of sentences on the order of "Gee, that krumper sure krumped in a krumpulous fashion."

Stuttering guy will be an interesting case. I honestly don't know how well he'll be served by the little snippets of talking heads the show is built on. He's adorable, and they'd love to be able to showcase someone with a disability that doesn't hinder their dancing. But I don't know how he'll come off when he's one

And good luck to you on your holographic-Emily-Dickinson Kickstarter.

I would certainly hope so, but it was weird to me that they would feature her grandma so heavily and not take advantage of the built-in drama. Plus I don't know anyone who isn't rooting for another b-girl to make the show.

I thought she was overpraised but her balance was amazing. Reminded me of Jeanine.

So is it safe to assume that krumping girl with Gangnam grandma DIDN'T go to Vegas, or even to choreography? Because that is all kinds of fucked up.

I think a lot of the cutaways can be ascribed to Nigel's girlydanceophobia, combined with his desire to show dancers as one huge, supportive community. The one place I noticed it in particular was one of the ballroom guys, I think it was Paul, was dancing, and they cut to a bunch of big, burly hip-hop dudes cheering.

Yeah, I don't see any way they'll let her dance on live television if there's the remotest likelihood she'll crumple to the floor like that.

Since I found out this week that Kenny Ortega choreographed Duckie's "Try a Little Tenderness" dance in Pretty in Pink, I'm immediately more willing to give him a pass. But yeah, his judging is atrocious.

Shoobie doobie doobie DANCE!

You misread. It's the dastardly Madeline Kahn.

1) I don't recall this having a name;
2) Ashes, ashes

Ugh, you probably call soda pop, too.

Little Rabbit Foo Foo, hopping thru the forest
scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head
and dowwwwwwwn came the good fairy, and she said:
"Little Rabbit Foo Foo, I don't want to see you
scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head!
I'll give you three chances, and if you don't obey,
I'll turn you

And that includes the women!