

They are, they just have to call them "cigars" now.  Will probably get a pack eventually, next time I'm in the mood for a guaranteed hangover.

Can anyone who actually didn't mind the first two comment on how this one compares, relatively speaking?

And more re-stealings of "eyes like two pissholes in a snowbank"

Isn't Pattern Recognition the one with a leather jacket as a major character?  I probably wouldn't suggest starting with that one.

A band i've barely heard of has just been mentioned in the same breath as Lustmord & Raison d'être!

Berkeley's version:  Laaz Rockit.

Because it's wrong?

Except when he starts punching people.

Coventry Carol FTW — nothing like a nice Biblical story of mass child-murder to cheer up your Xmas.

"but there’s a world of difference between professionals and the pimply-faced button-pusher at your local multiplex" — yeah, right.  I was one of those button-pushers in high school, and all of my "botch jobs" were hardware-failure-related.  Splicing film isn't exactly rocket science.

The phrase you are looking for, Mr. Staples, is "double entendre", but nice try.

Or D.I.

slut trashcan scummest dirtbag…

They are also, in San Francisco at any rate, a Hipster Warning that can be seen from quite a long way away, which is nice.

Does anyone remember "Kidman"?
Worked the pro wrestling circuit for a while, apparently to try to attract the "grunge market". ("Kid-Man" — geddit!?) Long hair, plaid shirt tied around his waist, usually lost, prone to saying things like "[his opponent] will feel the Evenflow".

OK, it was probably Marcie i was thinking of, and i also omitted the "smiley", sorry. But i do think that contemporary (American) society's obsession with aggressively condemning anything suggesting that anyone under 18 might conceivably be a sexual being is even more disturbing.

Your primitive christian oldster shtick is only funny when it isn't actively offensive, Lobsters.

Um… you *do* know she's a lesbian, right?