
From Hell is a great story hamstrung by terrible art, IMHO. When your reading is periodically brought to a screeching halt because you can't identify the character who's speaking, there's a problem.

I didn't notice anything at all Jeff Noony about King Rat… the closest i've come to Noon is Steve Aylett's _Accomplice_ novels, which are sort of Noon crossed with Rhys Hughes, i.e. Noon + humor.  FYI.

Not too sure about LeGuin anymore.  I found Tehanu (the fourth book in the Earthsea trilogy) distressingly ugly-minded — as if she had recently traded the faith that humans are fundamentally good for its just-as-simplistic opposite, if that makes any sense.

Xenocide is not OK, except perhaps for the fairly interesting but completely unrelated short story about Chinese OCD sufferers interspersed throughout the book.  [SPOILER] They decide the only way out of their predicament is FTL travel, so they just sit down and invent it?  Seriously?  Worst deus ex machina I think

An obvious trick that embarrassingly enough has never occurred to me.  Thanks, I'll see what UC's got.

#4 being because nobody can actually afford a copy of the novel.

[Title card: "Poetry"]
ORLANDO:  [reads some Poetry]
ORLANDO:  [turns to look directly at the camera:] "Ah, Poetry!"

Thank you both.

My '88 "Imported for" Dodge Colt hatchback gets 30mpg.  WTF?

Any recommendations, outside the minor-epiphanies-of-ordinary-people rut we've been stuck in for [mumble] years now?

Almost 1700 comments, and no mention of "Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe" by Whale.  For shame.

And Necron-99, with his sissy "facts", is a big poopy-head.

Sorry, thought i'd accidentally stumbled upon a "Firstie" and couldn't quite believe it.  Please move along, nothing to see here.


I'm actually quite fond of the first half of The Vampire Lestat.  Unfortunately, "he wanted a great deal of very cold white wine" won't quite fit on my business cards.

As long as they keep the "chip the glasses and crack the plates!" one.  That song rocks.

Madonna, Dušan Makavejev, whatevs

You had me at "Benzedrine-fueled interracial dance freak-out".

Would this be the same "US government" that didn't enter the war until Pearl Harbor?

Anything that keeps hipsters off the streets is fine with me.