
Love those editions, except for the forewords. I don't even care *right* *now* what Whoopi Goldberg or Diana Krall think about Peanuts; in another twenty years, it'll be completely inexplicable why they're in there.

I loved Subway when it came out, but it hasn't aged well at all. Kontroll is much better.

WE'RE GONNA HAVE A…. oh, never mind.

I don't actually know who T.V. Carpio is
But that's definitely one of the better "get that FUCKING camera out of my face RIGHT NOW" smiles i've seen in a while. So, good on 'er.

"the totally wrong-headed misunderstandings of hermeneutics and poststructuralism"

Send him to the Sprouting Chamber!

Friday night, in the comments of doom…

Equating Kate Bush and Tori Amos in front of the wrong Tori Amos fan can get your head bitten off. Be careful out there.

I'm also a big ATSSO fan. Another late one that i'm particularly fond of is Intervista (1987), if only for a heartbreaking scene where the ruins of Marcello Mastroianni and (a particularly horrifying) Anita Ekberg watch their fountain scene from La Dolce Vita projected on a bedsheet.

1) The Fundamental Theorem of Amateur Musicology: Whatever was playing on the radio when you first started to get laid is the Best. Music. Evar. Which helps explain why we've just seen so many Gen-X and -Yer's lose their shit; funny how the whole aesthetic-value-is-completely-subjective argument goes straight out

Don't forget those wonderful names. I'm not yet half-way through Joachim Schlor's _Nights in the Big City_, and already i've come across Alexander von Gleichen-Ruwurm and Wolfgang Schirelbusch.

Time to go re-watch Flesh + Blood.

From Hell was great as long as none of the female leads were on screen. Heather Graham's freshly-scrubbed-and-laundered virgin prostitute basically kills the film.

Coherently criticizing an AVClub Demigod does not constitute "being a dick".

@FidelAstro: I've come to call that "The Fundamental Theorem of Amateur Musicology". And the "particular time" is when you first started getting laid.

Revolver and Blind Mr. Jones "crap bands"!? Sorry, but your musical taste is objectively wrong. It's a simple scientific fact.

I saw Ride open for Lush. Worship me.


And "expatriate" does not take a hyphen.

Without the desperate need to skip every other song on Double Fantasy, would the programmable CD player ever have been invented?