
Down with the City, he's going down with the City

Another vote for Shrinkwrapped.

Kim Fupz Aakeson.
Kim Fupz Aakeson.

Simply add the Miracle Ingredient: Ketchup to nasty mayo and it magically becomes delicious Thousand Island dressing!

Sauron: Purely evil, and thus purely uninteresting. Saruman: The classic archetype (or, to put it less politely, cliche) of the Powerful Man Seduced By Evil.

As i've said before, at tiresome length no doubt, it's the Scouring of the Shire chapter that redeems an overly-simplistic Pure-Good-vs.-Pure-Evil fairytale by grounding it in a realer-people world we can relate to. Peter Jackson might be a fine filmmaker, but his literary chops aren't so hot.

I, too, would rather shoot you in the face than see this movie.

Circle of Life-Bitches? I think you just leaked the Super Bowl halftime show.

"collective unintelligence" FTW

Ha ha you watched the clip first

Well, fuck.

OF CO… dammit, too late.

Wait 'till you see the huge spike in *my* B+/A- region.

Thank you.

Wow, lots of anger here. My failure to fellate your hero really doesn't threaten your self-esteem, you know.

Ah, so we're *not* talking about "integrity" then. My mistake.

I did, actually, and thank you. It seemed fairly clear to punks at the time that he was just exploiting punk to get to the point where he could sell his pretty-boy mod thing. I suppose it was eventually worth it.

Make up your mind
"As a testament to either his integrity or his volatility (or both), Weller quit The Jam at the height of the group's popularity"

It's not the *drink* that drives, it's the drunk driver, hence, "*drunk* driving". You have until Boxing Day to get it right.

"aged well" != "timeless"