
Chemical Brothers, Exit Planet Dust
Elastica, S/T
Gang of Four, Shrinkwrapped (perhaps not popular enough)
Julian Cope, 20 Mothers
The Mermen, A Glorious Lethal Euphoria (definitely not popular enough)
Pulp, Different Class
Swervedriver, Ejector Seat Reservation

We've got plenty of Youth…
Let's look for a Fountain of Smart

Have you heard the one about the coke sacker, the cork soaker, and the sock tucker?

"clocks": about 3,390 hits.
"frogs": 4 hits.

Well, fuck, now you've got me worried *i've* got it wrong. Upon re-listening, it's impossible to tell from the 45.

The hell he did!

Frogs. Nice try, though.

Oops. I guess he wasn't.

"Abreaction"? C'mon, you're better than that.

Well, at least now we know what Flaubert Cooper has nightmares about: goddam stinking lousy sons of bitches.

tolsextoy double-wins the thread.

Body double. Sorry.

tl; dr

I, too, like my women like i like my coffee — cold, pretentious, and in glasses.

I thought i was *agreeing* with you, darling.

Yeah, it's a shame the frog-in-the-saucepan story isn't actually true, 'cause it's quite a necessary metaphor. Anyway, thanks for provoking some posts that let me exercise my inner Coldstream. ;-)

No, of course he's not a troll; his use of the phrase "attainder of the blood" was completely serious.

Mmmmm, yessss, OBVIOUSLY dear boy, Shakespeare should *really* [sniff] be performed live on stage, you know. And whatever capitalization he might have used was added later by Baconites, *everybody* knows *that*.

At first listen, Flotation Toy Warning sounds a bit like a worse Jarvis Cocker fronting the crappier bits of Radiohead. But then i never much like things on the first listen.

BCE, it wasn't just him, it was one of his lead writers — i vaguely remember some DVD extra where she condescendingly explains that, because the Ithilien interlude doesn't follow the simplest possible story arc of Tension-Release, they made up the whole chase-in-the ruined-city section. I mean, it's not like they had