
Yes, that one, too.

I also am in violent agreement. (Self-titled) and Hideout are awesome; this one is very different, much more poppy and awful.

Yeah, i kinda lost interest after Ende Neu as well. Should probably look up some of the newer stuff.

Prospero's Books (The Tempest), Peter Greenaway. Except for the soundtrack, which is horrible.

Your real name is Vilhelmii Bulla? I suppose that would weird me out, too.

Um… a commenter who self-identifies as "Disco Sucks" is complaining about something being *how* many years too late?

Goo. (slurp)

man, this'sh prtty fun. gr8t game dood.

Goo. (slurp)

Goo. (slurp)

Goo. (slurp)

Goo. (slurp)

Don't think your "Taint Swabber" (i'm too drunk to remember the original poster) reference went unnoticed, NC. Oldsters, represent!

Tampopo. And i don't even *like* oysters.

Ah, that's better.

Well, actually having government and business engaged in an incestuous clusterfuck is the first step on the road to fascism, but we'd prefer to ignore that here in America. Probably because China's doing it better.

That's going to come as something of a surprise to a large number of Mexicans, i think.

Middleschool slapdown WOO HOO!

U know?

Nancy Pelosi hits .317, bitches.