
*Now* you tell me…

OK, call me sexist, but i'm no more interested in watching a female Prospero than i would a cracker Othello.

In my experience, bubbly hot water is *not* a satisfactory lubricant. YMMV.

No, just an idiot, apparently — i meant "post-Boomer".

"they've offered little in the way of new material"
Oh, come on — _Shrinkwrapped_ was excellent. You can't *all* be tweens, can you? Fellow pre-Boomer oldsters, help me out here.

_The Crying of Lot 49_. I have a pretty terrible memory.

I was kind of hoping for a review of the new Poopnoodle EP.

One of the consistently better comments sections, too.

Something something Cocteau Twins something.

Also Jasper Fforde, _Shades of Grey_. Which, for a young-adult fantasy, is pretty good.

Clement St?

'Subway' hasn't aged well. 'Kontrol', however, is an excellent replacement.

The gods must come to me, not i to them. - Plotinus

Coldstream just said something reasonable? If that's not a sign of the impending Apocalypse, i don't know what is.

I'm going to attempt to use "skeeving" in a sentence today. Wish me luck.

I'm afraid i'm overusing "i'm afraid" today.

I'm afraid Collins, American Heritage, and dictionary.com all disagree with you, Mr. Patrol. I'm afraid grammar trumps politics.

"a little cerebral"?

Arnold Schwarzenegger IS Boxer.

Code push. Man, i'm glad to be retired.