
@Skunk Ape - Night Shade Books has a 5-vol (complete?) collection, and you can sometimes find the Ballantine Adult Fantasy collections kicking around your local used-SF/Fantasy bookstore.

It was, for a bit, but it hasn't been, for a while.

Failed one million bajillion trillion gazillionsies.

…and English to Japan, EEEEEEZE….

Ha Ha Ha You Watch Teevee
Yes, i *am* that guy.

Hmmmn. Still does it when i turn adblock plus *off*, which is interesting. And the channel pages are fine.

is anyone else getting a plain grey screen for the avclub homepage?
Off topic, sorry, but it's been like this for a day or two now.

Scupper me buttocks, ye scurvy dogs!!

Quicksand, fumes, toxic waste… It's all ours!

any nods to "Undine"
by F. De La Motte Fouque? Doesn't really sound like it from the review.

February was his sled.

The only way Brazil would "surprise" anyone is if they failed to get out of their group. Christ i'm bored with Brazil. Portugal knocking them out would be too funny, except that then whiny divy Portugal would advance. Definitely the group

JJ - please also add "violence" and "silence".

Absolutely agree, except maybe for the voiceover. "She looked at him"… well, duh, we can see that.

Aren't you done yet?

Why should we care if his pubic hair matches the drapes?

"which all your laws but one tell you should happen with perfect symmetry forwards and backwards" — did you ever take Statistics, phodreaw? You know, the aggregate behavior over time of large numbers of actors? You failed it, didn't you? Just asking.

Meaning in the sense you mean it isn't *found*, BNB. It's *created*.

I'll raise you both a "Dangerous Liaisons".

Not even the last registered poster. Sad.