
Yeah, me too. I'm going to order 'Vatican style' next time i'm at In 'n' Out and see what happens.

Or even cheating at golf and kicking their wives' asses.

I'll trade you my Aussie Rules obsession for your Lost obsession — i'm getting really tired of hauling my machine into the living room to watch fucking ESPN360.

Yeah, but they also fertilize the morons.

Kovbasa FTW.

I love Crash, but always thought that the opening (nicely done, btw - apparently i'm not the only one who's started to subconsciously cringe whenever they're about to type the word "first") chapter would have made an awesome short story, and the rest of the book is just more of the same, with a tiny bit of plot at the

Fair enough, H-T d'O (if i may call you that) - i probably did have a similar look during my first ton80 - it's just the grim despair ON TOP OF the concentration that gave me pause. They REALLY don't look like they're having fun, which seems sort of the point of dancing to me.

Slowdive does that, too, so it must be OK.

My problem with the swing revival was the hipster couples on the dance floor, doing the one "swing" move they had mastered OVER AND OVER AGAIN, with faces full of grim desperation. Yeah, *that* looks like fun.

*Marginally* better!? At least crap Canadian beers are 6ish%, as compared to the ~4% of Coors and such toiletwaters.

I too am one of those who was both willing and able to take HPL's _Supernatural Horror in Literature_ as mandatory. And yeah, Moon Pool = long run for a short slide. But at least it clued me into George MacDonald. (HPL, not AM.)


I feel way better about having watched the Super Bowl now.
Thank you, Miss Fegan.

Pedantry gives me a great deal of satisfaction. Perhaps there's something wrong with you?

Admittedly, that didn't stop us at the time from occasionally yelling THAT PIECE OF PORK WAS WORTHY OF DAAAAATH in the sort of Metal Voice that ZMF *should* have had.

And Terry directly at fault for both. I mean, WTF.

Used to be acquainted with the singer of Daath in his E.Bay days - didn't strike me as particularly Orthodox.

I am apparently as old as wolfmansRazor and i approve of his opinion.

Yeah, me neither. Except for the part about hats.