
There was the part where he told the head of his label "I sneeze hits," and then sneered and scoffed when the label head replied, "Well then, Capitol records will just have to find the money to fund your handkerchief budget," as if that wasn't an amazing comeback.

I saw BJM play 4 or 5 years ago and he was back in the band.

I too thoroughly recommend Trace and The Search.

"20 surprisingly enjoyable Christmas albums to listen to in March because fuck it."

Motherfuckers should have been indigo.

Maybe some of their children. I feel like sad kids is acceptable collateral damage.

You're bad people. That's just a thing you should know about yourself.

Perhaps. But all of those points made by @DumbledoreCarlissian were true.

I feel like Scott Bakula would have been better as Jeff's dad. I don't know why. It just seems like a thing that would be true. 


That album came out in 1997. Every album by a name artist went platinum in 97.

How come they never play "No Quarter" when they Get the Led out? That's a good fucking song, radio.

This is why we need higher education reform yesterday.

Then John Stewart grows tired and trades roles with an old person who begins directing him instead.

That fellow I know may have overstated his bootleg catalog and later discovered that night 4 has gone missing. Nights 1,2,3, and 5 are definitely there though.

If you're interested, I might know a guy who has bootlegs of every night. They might also be pretty widely available on the internets. I can't remember where he got them.

I believe that was the intention. It's even more apparent on some of the live versions from that era. Especially Bennett's lead playing http://www.youtube.com/watc…

How come Watt never gets to be in the press photos?

@google-298cdea1d4f3b3a4767eb5d3b9746fd2:disqus I was referring to Lars. Levon Helm was a fine drummer.

Whoever engineered and mixed this album really did their work studying Steve Albini drum sounds. The toms sound like someone getting punched in the chest.