
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus  "Aww. C'mon, man. Please?"

I mean he is rich. Do concierges get tips?

Pot and alcohol is rarely an issue if you only have a little bit of one or the other. A lot of both isn't that big a deal unless you want to definitely stay awake or maintain an erection.

It's even funnier when you realize that song is super easy to play.

I think it's more like, "I'm friends with Adam Sandler and they offered me several million dollars so fuck it. I can be stupid for a few weeks."

Awesome! I recently posted a twerking video on Instagram. I shook it good.

Nick is the best. He gets mad at inanimate objects and makes best friends with old men.

Good job.

Especially if the line is on a staircase.

Maybe it's a demographic thing but, in my experience, iPhone owners are exclusively 75% of every person (male and female) I know.

"And I really like Orson Scott Card's books, even Children of the Mind."

It is not a good book.


You might need to reevaluate some aspects of your life.

I like Burzum.

I saw em. I saw the boobs. 

This his producer trips over a cable and accidentally cuts the power to the teleprompter and he has improvise the whole thing.

Are you being funny or for real?

A lot of the classic ones bypass letter grades because the authors are admittedly passionate fans and generally consider it all to be in the A territory.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus I mean my pool is shaped like a bottle of Crown Royal so basically yes.