The Internet At Work

I went from being a shitty teenager who thought this guy was the coolest, to realizing what a dick he was, to accidentally becoming him. Life is terrible.


Much appreciated. I just gotta step up for the fam, ya know?

The syntax of lust.

Robocop is a great role model, and a feminist to boot. "Ma'am, you have suffered an emotional trauma. I will notify a rape crisis center."

I know that wasn't him, but Miguel Ferrer is so brilliant in this film. "You are gonna be one bad motherfucker."

"I have never missed one game" — Kurtwood Smith

you know
The Tigers are playing, TO-NIGHT! I've never missed one game!

@Wax Tom Cruise HOLY SHIT I was about to post that.

Also, your whole introductory section about the reactions to this show is spot-on. Obviously this program can be dumb as shit sometimes but to have the kind of knee-jerk reaction you described is pretty revealing of a complete lack of interest in really understanding or coming to terms with humanity/culture at large,

I missed this episode last night but I just want to co-sign your endorsement of Jenni — far be it from me to have originally assumed that someone who has christened herself "J-WOWW" would end up being the matron of this bunch, but here we are.

Handlen really nailed down why that project is such a perfect match for Anderson. I want to take someone on a date to see this film.

good morning
"The Far City" and "Cody's Return," the unfilmed sequels to "Streets of Fire." I want more douchebag Rick Moranis. And more Diane Lane. Just in general.

Seriously, it is really depressing how quickly people jump to this kind of moralizing and start casting aspersions on the mothers instead of thinking about how this is the sadly logical end point for a lot of young girls who come from broken families in lower-middle class areas where one's feminine identity is based

Okay. I wish I was dead.

The fixation of this site's commenters on the "hipster" straw man is so vexing.

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This book sounds excellent. I guess it's time to pay my library fees. And don't listen to the haters, Rowan. You're doing the Lord's work.

Yeah, I actually agree with you on that. I could write a manifesto based on "All I Wanna Do." Production decades ahead of its time, one of the all-time greatest BW melodies, and an unexpectedly tender and affecting Mike Love vocal. Hands down the most underrated Beach Boys track.

"Disney Girls" is gorgeous and one of Bruce's best, but with a band like the Beach Boys, come on. That still puts it around the third tier.

Way to construct sentences, self!