The Dark Sluggo Rises

One time I fart and crumbs came out

I'd give her a hurtin' 
til she started squirtin'

Drop your panties already.

Her pussy would look like dog meat when I got done with her.

One time i farted and dust poured out.

Jesus. This hack's still writing?

Nah. If I had a time machine, I'd travel back in time just to abort your fetus.

One time I went to this festival and got so drunk I blacked out. When I came to, I realized my dick was in someone's mouth.


Please. E.Buzz Miller judging women's looks is like the ravens judging the ass from Aesop's fables.
Now check out my glutes:

He looks like Frankie Muniz with AIDS

I'd pay five grand to drool on them.

(not racist)

Heh heh heh, black people.

Ugh, thanks for reminding me of the Thin Red Line.

All you have in your sad little life is this site and your "e-friends"

Ha ha ha, it's funny because he has brain damage.

@GaryX:disqus My farts are funnier than you.

@Dikachu:disqus FLagged for trying incite a religious flame war.