The Dark Sluggo Rises

CineCraft, it's time for you decide if you're gonna be one of my team players.

Jesus, this hack's still writing?

Christopher Nolan is the greatest filmmaker mankind has ever seen

I know.

Shut up and gaze at my chest

I know. Ain't I a stinkah?


WAIT! Before you make any rash decisions:

(not racist)

Yes, let's all pretend you just did a quick Google search for that article and posted it apathetically, not even knowing if it was the right article or not.

Shut up and stare at my abs:

I used to be a nerd, too.

Shut up and stare at my chest:


Get on your knees and start slobberin'

I lost my virginity to a grape.

No, but my jizz is all over a Threadless shirt.

I'd suck his scrote.

Eat your wheaties every day and maybe you'll have a chance of looking like I do…

Shouting builds character