
For those who are interested in this type of pedantry, I'd like to recommend David Foster Wallace's essay "Tense Present," which is, of course, amazing.

Looks like Queen Victoria up there has read Broom of the System. Me too!

Nope—no mustache—he's of some exotic Asian descent.

I hear that snipers aim for the upper lip because it takes out the brain stem which controls involuntary movements or twitches in muscles. It will be easier for them to hit if he is mustachioed, and I kind of bet that he is.

Noooo Sergeant Pepoosten! Initials for your sig are not enough. I demand that you return to the unexpurgated closing of your posts.

I suggested that they originally name their magazine "Mucilage", but they didn't listen. I think it would have helped.

Inclination for an enucleation?

Won't be watching this. I refuse to join Facebook again.

No, archmage, but if I drank heavy Bavarian beer infused with salt pork, I would Ctrl-P immediately.

The thousand injuries of ShrikeTheAvatar I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a cockpunch.

So Erik Erik, you're actually Virginia?

Agreed. And Julia Nunes has a version of The General Specific that's better than the original.

I hope you were able to make it on your fainting couch, EVL. Loosen that whale-bone corset a bit—it might help you from you getting the vapors.

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

I think it's something about lemons. Possibly something scatological and pornographic.

Boredom and paranoia are not great without drugs. At all.

I get out that DVD and watch all of the Don "No Soul" Simmons clips every few months.

The past participle is "bullsat."

I thought it was a metaphor about how a disturbed man tortured people by making them look like a human centipede.

I hope you plan using that gun in your hand. On yourself.