
If there's going to be any more reworkings of fantasy series, I, for one, would like to see Abercombie's First Law Trilogy given some love. That is all.

What really bothers me is that "atypical" is not supposed to be hyphenated.

Believe me when I say that the two bands are nothing alike whatsoever, although DuBrow does look a little bit like Eddie.

Something something meta something.

Excellent. Thanks for the suggestions!

All kinds, really. Just looking for some recommendations. I've been to several of those "best of" fantasy sites and got some ideas, but more are always welcome.

My favorite of his is definitely Gun, With Occasional Music. Really good. I'm telling you, if someone gave Terry Gilliam that novel, I think he would redeem himself.

Libra by Don DeLillo is amazing, if you want another take on the Kennedy thing.

Since we're (kind of)  doing a discussion on fantasy/sci-fi, would anyone mind sharing some essential (newish) readings in those genres? I've been out of the loop so long, I'd really appreciate some help. And when I say newish, I mean like, say, the last 10 years or so.

The show or the character? Either way, I can sense you're not a fan. I have powers like that.

Yeah, she is amazing. That's a tough one, because I really like Anya's character and Emma is beautiful as well. I'd hate to have to choose. Wait, no I wouldn't.

Here she is:


I just looked her up, and my oh my, she is lovely.

I'll second that and add you a Drusilla.

There was a gimmick poster on here named Nicole Krauss that always did some sort of iteration to a blurb she (the "real" Nicole Krauss) wrote for David Grossman's To the End of the Land. I'll quote the original in its entirety for those who haven't ever seen it. (And yes it's that good. And by good, I mean the one of

You know Masuka is all about some hentai.

*Edit—Apologies. I know this is the internets and everything, but this one really stood out to me. Maybe because it was a three word sentence with a glaring grammatical mistake. Anyways, enjoy!

I just have to chime in here and say that I heartily endorse the use of the term "demi-mullet" and plan on using it whenever I can.

That is one of my all time favorite eps for this show. Sooo good.