
Zack Handlen: "I had to watch a training video before I had my wisdom teeth removed."

Skull explodes from cuteness, leaving cute bloody viscera dripping from the daisy petals, rainbows, unicorn horns, and all-natural organic granola.

Michael Emerson would make a great Kissinger, though.

Xenu: "Are there space planes? Supervillains?"

"I would have guessed Peter Jackson rolled his poop into a large ball."

"Dawn Simonrangkir … claims that Love's tweets … amount to career-damaging defamation."

The non-crestfallen variety are even hotter.

That's Steve Tyler? It looks like someone melded photographs of Keith Richards and Christine Baranski.

Clearly, "Lost" would have been a much better show, if only the FUCKING POLAR BEARS were ARMORED.

Zetes: "Monster in a Box, which I like a little better than Swimming to Cambodia …"

"The alliance between labor and capital that needs heart?" is what I meant to ask. Pheh. Ruined a perfectly good joke with crappy typing.

Dwigt: "The alliance between labour and capital that needs heart to work is something the Nazis believed in. "

"… expect the sixth film to just be two hours of Depp getting drunk on a beach."

My cat's name is Anna Karenina Ghali Ghali Boutros In Free.

Jake Karnak: "…they minimized Martha. So yeah, this was a C, barely."

Can someone please kill the spambot smithgirls account? Three posts, and they're all ads.

Tasha Robinson: "…an awkward mating of action-fantasy and a self-reflective indie movie."

In Seasons 4-5 of Buffy and Seasons 1-2 of Angel, they were on the same network.

Unfortunately, whenever Takei said that no one should ever wish suicide upon another person, I found myself thinking, "But what about John Roberts and Samuel Alito?"