
Daldude: "Our forms are entirely arbitrary and a result of random environmental effects on evolution - the odds of extraterrestrial life looking
remotely like anything on earth are (literally) astronomical."

Josh Modell: But Twilight crosses some kind of weird line for me, and I don’t understand why, exactly.

Nathan Rabin: "… Miller is stuck playing a single note of steadfast in the face of unconscionable abuse."

Nathan Rabin: "… Miller is stuck playing a single note of steadfast in the face of unconscionable abuse."

What? No Replacements? Seriously?

What? No Replacements? Seriously?

They're just sellling England by the pound.

They're just sellling England by the pound.

Sean O'Neil @ Top:

Sean O'Neil @ Top:

Brainlock: "She's the new River …"

Brainlock: "She's the new River …"

Noel Murray: But even if Beasts were covertly Randian, would that alone be a reason to dislike the film?

Noel Murray: But even if Beasts were covertly Randian, would that alone be a reason to dislike the film?

Going by the photo at top, New York-Presbyterian apparently uses attractiveness as one of its hiring criteria.

Going by the photo at top, New York-Presbyterian apparently uses attractiveness as one of its hiring criteria.

Scott Tobias @ Top: Gideon Yago (of MTV News fame), use the Tea Party revolution as an opportunity to expose the movement as a far-right, corporate-backed hijacking of the Republican Party.

Scott Tobias @ Top: Gideon Yago (of MTV News fame), use the Tea Party revolution as an opportunity to expose the movement as a far-right, corporate-backed hijacking of the Republican Party.

Rowan Kaiser: Sajanas - there's also the autism/vaccine debate which, while not always religious, seems to inspire rather strong arguments.