
Rowan: "Surprised nobody's commenting about my Worst Episodes list. Come on, let's pile on 'Showtime!'"

Yeah, I gotta confess that, in retrospect, Bush II and Reagan seem just as bad ever. And the more we learn, in some way worse.

Silly Buns, that always pissed me off too. Where the fuck does the Watcher's Council get off demanding that all of these young woment risk there lives to protect the world evil, and then not pay them? Bastards.

LeftyDanger: "In the end, the leak was traced back to Richard Armitage, a Bush admin official who was very critical of the administration and the Iraq War."

I'll take Songs Starting with S.

Sophist: "This episode strikes me as the third part of a trilogy with Bargaining 1 and 2, or perhaps a coda to them."


Stoubewr: "I prefer it when he's playing restrained and dangerous."

DrManhattan: "Sir, did you or did you not practice witchcraft?"

They also forgot one of the greatest films ever, Hiroshima Mon Amour.

I'm with Shitegeist. There were only one or two lines where she sounded like she was cold reading from a teleprompter. She was mostly competent otherwise. Way better than anything Paris Hilton has ever done.

The Corin Tucker Band

The Bond films just need a suave asshole; pretty much any movie star with decent looks can pull it off.

I expect Damon wanted to keep Greengrass around to ensure quality and continuity.

Laslo VII @ 10:53a: "Hey, if you spin a China man, does he become dis-orientated?"

Teamocil, two minds with but a single thought: those are the same albums I picked as Mitchell's highlights in the thread directly above.

Yep, now that Blue is under your belt, Nathan, it's time to pick up the equally great Court & Spark.

Carrie Fisher: "I'm having my DNA fumigated!"

I think they should call it: John and Ben Have Issues.