
"Why is MacGyver talking in that weird voice?"

Deputy Mayor of Simpleton: "Also, JGabriel, while I can't fault you for Let It Be and Hootenanny, what about Tim?"

Does this mean REM will finally record Horse To Water's sequel: Whore To Culture?

Oh, and just like the REAL hipster douchebags knew who VU was in 1983/4, today's real hipster douchebags would know REM's records.

Hmm. I bought Murmur when it first came out, shortly before my 18th birthday. Reading through this thread, and the young'uns ignorance, I'm reminded of how, when REM put "Pale Blue Eyes" on the flip side of the "So. Central Rain" 12" single, everyone (meaning all the freshmen and sophomores at the college radio

Paul Verhoeven should direct Ender's Game, and commission a script that sets it as a sequel to Starship Troopers.

I loved A Wrinkle In Time as a kid, but when I re-read it as an adult, it was like a cross between a 60's Christian allegory and a particularly bad episode of Star Trek.

Old School Cheating: "Can somebody give me the Cliff Notes version?"

That's what happens when you do drugs.

What Rufus said. It's a new(ish) credit sequence, and Morrison's name is definitely gone. Jacobsen's (Taub) name is added. Oddly enough, Wilde's is also added just as she's taking off, though I hear she's coming back later in the season too.

Kimchi Ninja: "The actress IS NOT Lucille Bluth…"

She IS Lucille Bluth. The actress anyway, not the character.

Donald Caballero: "Shit, fall back, repeat."

Raging Bear: "How's SNL been getting along since I stopped watching 15 years ago?"

Knockout Zed: "… if you're a decent guy who doesn't go out chasing strange, no matter how hot your wife is, that shit gets OLD!!!"

Zack Handlen: "… pairing Data with Q is the only plausible way to have Q learn some humility, because Data values everything that Q hates, in a way that's steadfast, sincere, and unforced. "

Henry Francis godwinned the episode, that bastard!

Photo Look Like …
"Donal Logue plays Hank and Michael Raymond-James plays Britt…"

We come and we go.

"I have a feeling that Phipps is in charge …"