
And Plato. My god, The Symposium is brilliant!

And King John is an absolute snooze-fest.

And Shakespeare. I mean, yeah, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest are awesome, but Titus Andronicus? What a stinker!

Speaking of Britain …

Bitch Hunter: "They obviously mean 'in the spirit of HP', not Harry as an adult …"

T-Shirts You Will Never See Hermione Wearing:

Both, actually.

The tooth shall set you FREE!

Lynch Effects
Nathan Rabin: "Lynch … has never had much use for clear narratives, special effects, or epic spectacle."

Well, between having my name spoken in whispers or having my cock sucked, I usually prefer the latter.

Yeah, the plucking the lead and playing rhythm, or playing two leads at once, is kind of amazing. For instance, the live version of Calvary Cross is pretty great until you check the liner notes and realize he's the only guitarist listed: then it becomes dumbfounding.

Yes, you have died. Haley Joel Osment will be seeing you shortly.

Wow. I'm flabbergasted. Kon was just reaching his creative peak. Between Millenium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, and Paprika, he was well on his way to being one of the greats of anime - hell, a lot of people would argue that he already IS one of the greats.

HipsterDBag: Sigh. Just a reminder, to buck the conventional wisdom, there are those of us whose favorite Buffy season is the sixth.

Tecumseh: "Can't say I was a big fan seeing as it's a little ridiculous that a bunch of knights from another dimension would chase a winebago in the desert with spears, swords, and arrows."

Sophist: "[Willow's] reaction reminded me of Giles' in Passion. Can't say either one is very sensible …"

Forming informs personality. Memories are the memories of forming. Take away the memory and the personality formed remains the same - at least that's how it's usually presented in Whedon's shows:

Noel Murray: "… how long before we get the dramatic scene of Buffy looking at Spike on her doorstep and saying, 'Come in?'"

Noel Murray: "In the current world of the show, Buffy's had to be a responsible adult for a while."

Willow and Tara
I know they would have fit this category, if only Tara hadn't been shot.