
It's all for show. Lois is secretly a lesbian, and Hi visits dominatrix prostitutes.

I like to think that was Geordi still being creepy - that he couldn't get over Leah, so he just found some other chick named Leah, and married her for her name.

Zack: "Leah is self-aware, and at the end of the episode, she tells Geordi that she is, essentially, the engines, and that "Every time you touch it, it's me." Apart from reminding me of a Futurama, I do think this premise could work …"

Haysoos: "How many people really got into the Wire in the first three episodes?"

Also, how can you make a list of pop/rock songs about outdated technology, and not include even one song about phonographs or vinyl LPs? There's gotta be a ton of songs about wanting to have a hit record.

This list is tragically incomplete without a song about CB RADIO!

I think you mean: pendulous.

Yep, it's a Sayles script. I'm surprised Nabin left that out.

"Lithgow, then still in the early, pre-ham phase of his career…"

That voice in the beginning of the trailer sounds like the Gnarl from BtVS, the flesh-peeling monster that trapped Willow in a cave in season 7.

Oh sure, laugh all you want, but now every producer with a casting couch wants to give her a "reading".

"I could accept that, given that she's spent a millennium deliberately causing torment and injury, that she'd be callous and uncaring about Joyce's death. … But the notion that she's … completely bewildered at how to react strikes me as terribly false…"

You know, I really didn't think there was anything nice to say about Zack Snyder's movies until just now, when I suddenly realized, "Hey, at least he's not Brett Ratner!"

I'm sure it'll be every bit as awesome as X-Men 3 and Rush Hour 2. *snicker*


"… his Yele Haiti Foundation was funneling funds back into Jean's own pocket."

To be fair, Jean could hardly be worse than most of the presidents Haiti has had for the past … forever.

The samurai and dragon visuals look like they're modelled on - aka ripped off from - the opening cutscenes in Tomb Raider II (the game, not the movie).

Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung, Carla Gugino, Jena Malone, Abbie Cornish, Vicky Lambert …

S. Jerusalem: "… obsessive fans worry over the explanation at the expense of enjoying the rest of the show."