
The problem I had with the wesen-of-the-week was that I couldn't work out how their yearly cycle is supposed to work and there wasn't quite enough handwaving. If they freeze to death when it's 50 degrees, shouldn't that mean they're from a tropical climate? Or is it supposed to be that they go into hibernation mode at

I suspected they were the same person when Stacy delivers the line about "you're pretty bold when you're dealing with a woman!" right before killing the first guy. Then I knew it when Stacy and Linus were arguing in the hotel room and you never saw them in the same shot. So I got a little impatient waiting for

As far as consistency goes — I think some things fans cite as "inconsistencies" are actually the result of different character points of view, and the imperfect knowledge of everyone within that universe. So, for example, it's truly an inconsistency that in "School Hard" Spike refers to Angel as his sire — Drusilla is

Also, robots fighting monsters is way better than robots fighting each other. For one thing, you can always tell which fighter to root for.

@ Drunk Dave : Fanwanking is when you invent explanations that aren't depicted in the actual content of the story in order to preserve the illusion that you're watching/reading an accurate representation of a self-consistent universe, instead of a bunch of stuff people made up.

I see it as a much more direct influence on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So I'm good.

I liked this one. They used the ensemble cast well, Juliette almost had a personality, and the script almost had an idea — the potential the musei sensed was Nick's Grimm-ness, and their art is violence, so his obsession with her made him extra-violent.

I enjoyed watching this episode, except for the lack of Roaslee, but I felt frustrated by the missed opportunities. They could have set something up where I was genuinely worried about Portland getting swallowed by a volcano.

Or, they could be borrowing a page from the Angel/Buffy playbook, and be planning to off Juliette, but they want to make it more poignant by having her and Nick reconnect first.

That's a really good analysis of a movie that I HATED HATED HATED for being so maudlin and manipulative and unconvincing.

My Dollhouse theory: The problem was always that the kind of viewer who wants mindless sexy adventures can't be bothered to keep track of a show where the same actor plays a different character in a completely different kind of story every week. Dollhouse was impossible to follow unless you were paying attention.

I find there are two different kinds of horrible pop song. There's the one that I find catchy but irritating, and it drives me insane, because whatever hook that works to make other people like it, works to make me listen to it, but I still don't enjoy the experience (except in a weird perverse way).

I liked the movie in spite of its misogyny, but… yeah. It's a problem.

I find her reminiscent of Jack Black. And he's a good actor, but he's sure been in some stinker movies.

Be honest. The only reason you object to zombies in particular — as opposed to any other thing you supposedly find boring and don't want to watch/read about anymore — is because you know you'll watch it anyway.

In the stage play, "Beggars at the Feast" is the Thenardiers clearly expressing their ethical viewpoint — pure, narrow self-interest — in contrast to the rigid legalistic morality of Javert and the compassion-n-mercy morality of Valjean. They question what all the nobility and self-sacrifice have really gotten the

In the stage play, "Beggars at the Feast" is the Thenardiers clearly expressing their ethical viewpoint — pure, narrow self-interest — in contrast to the rigid legalistic morality of Javert and the compassion-n-mercy morality of Valjean. They question what all the nobility and self-sacrifice have really gotten the

SBC and HBC were fine in their roles, but the director completely ruined their major songs and cut Dog Eats Dog entirely. It seems he didn't GET the thematic function of their characters and reduced them to flimsy comic relief.

SBC and HBC were fine in their roles, but the director completely ruined their major songs and cut Dog Eats Dog entirely. It seems he didn't GET the thematic function of their characters and reduced them to flimsy comic relief.

couldn't they have convinced the eagles to just fly the ring to Mordor
and drop it into the fires of Mount Doom from whence to caammmee