
couldn't they have convinced the eagles to just fly the ring to Mordor
and drop it into the fires of Mount Doom from whence to caammmee

Season 6 is very divisive but if you like it, as I do, you can say "bold choices!"

Season 6 is very divisive but if you like it, as I do, you can say "bold choices!"

I like Angel compared to TV in general, but compared to Buffy it always seemed unfocused and thematically confused and occasionally kinda misogynist. Until season 5, anyway, which is the only Angel season I like anywhere near as much as Buffy.

I like Angel compared to TV in general, but compared to Buffy it always seemed unfocused and thematically confused and occasionally kinda misogynist. Until season 5, anyway, which is the only Angel season I like anywhere near as much as Buffy.

I find the "kick his ass" moment very ambiguous — there's definitely some Angel-hatred going on, but it's also a reasonable judgment call. Being distracted during their fight by worrying about when it's going to happen, or hesitating to kill Angel because of her hope that Willow's spell will succeed, might very well

I find the "kick his ass" moment very ambiguous — there's definitely some Angel-hatred going on, but it's also a reasonable judgment call. Being distracted during their fight by worrying about when it's going to happen, or hesitating to kill Angel because of her hope that Willow's spell will succeed, might very well

Wrecked isn't the one I hate the most — Season 5 "Into the Woods" gets that honor with Season 4's "Where the Wild Things Are" a close second — but I think it's probably the worst because of the way it derails such an important multi-season character arc.

Wrecked isn't the one I hate the most — Season 5 "Into the Woods" gets that honor with Season 4's "Where the Wild Things Are" a close second — but I think it's probably the worst because of the way it derails such an important multi-season character arc.

Yeah, but I was fourteen during the 80s, so it works for me.

Yeah, but I was fourteen during the 80s, so it works for me.

And the beer was Dead Guy Ale from Rogue!

And the beer was Dead Guy Ale from Rogue!

YES! FINALLY! NICK AND MONROE ARE ROOMIES! I have been waiting for this all season. All season, I tell you.

YES! FINALLY! NICK AND MONROE ARE ROOMIES! I have been waiting for this all season. All season, I tell you.

A great premise that could have been truly fantastic if the writing had been a little… deeper, maybe? There were things that ended up seeming kinda arbitrary (like the DA's initial interference)  that could have been more powerful in a story sense. Okay, she's running for mayor and wants to appear tough on crime… so

A great premise that could have been truly fantastic if the writing had been a little… deeper, maybe? There were things that ended up seeming kinda arbitrary (like the DA's initial interference)  that could have been more powerful in a story sense. Okay, she's running for mayor and wants to appear tough on crime… so

Well, the obvious male leader is a sham and the rightful ruler is a young female in disguise… so, yeah.

Well, the obvious male leader is a sham and the rightful ruler is a young female in disguise… so, yeah.

If that bit with Nick getting tired of sleeping on the couch is NOT gearing up for him to move out and live with Monroe for a while, I will be very disappointed.