Epic Bitchery

That's some heavy shit for a Monday morning. But a lovely sentiment nonetheless.

Well, it's been a few days since I've picked up any doggie doo in my backyard, so that needs to be done today so I can mow the lawn.

The perfect man for what, exactly?

Aaaaaaand yer done!

Well, hell, A.J.; we're all good at that.

I'd be more concerned about the "sniffing" part.

There does seem to be a glut of them hanging about lately, doesn't there?

You might want to edit - or clarify - that second sentence, there, no-name.

Not interested, unless, of course, it involves FFN; in which case, I'm in. Otherwise, fuggetaboutit.

Thanks for backing me up, Doc!

From what I've read on the issue, that's true; the lopsided part, I mean. The trend seems to be changing, especially since people are living longer and more are divorcing younger. Plus, more and more men are pitching in more at home and taking on a lot of responsibilities around the house, especially in two-income

Agreed, but often empirically and shittily necessary.

Sexist? No; not even a little. Mostly because what I've written is true, for the most part. Widowed men tend to remarry more often than women and generally more quickly. And don't call me stupid or sexist, you ignorant putz. It's rude.

There is that… the "casserole" brigade, that is.

When I first read about this earlier today at another news site, I was really kind of ticked off. He was so devastated by the loss of his wife a mere 15 months ago and he wrote a really lovely tribute to her that had most of us who read it puddling up in grief.

Groban is better at being a tenor than he is at smack talk. He oughta stick to what he knows.

Nobody puts Baby's daddy's car in a garage!

I live in Alaska. As far as the bears are concerned, they're pretty busy culling the human herd. One goes into the woods a Chicago Bear's fan and comes out a Kodiak Bear's bowel movement.

Don't we all.

The Catholic Church really hates when someone bogarts their schtick.