Epic Bitchery

What? Stunt penis? It's also the name of Dikachu's new boy band.

All kidding aside: me, too. Burt Gummer is a great character.

Marky Mark used a stunt penis; look what it did for his career.

Yes, indeed. It was actually quite good, in an X-files-y way.

Of all of the cheesy science fiction films out there, the Tremors series are among the cheesiest. And I never miss 'em when they're televised. As for this reboot, bring it; I'm in.

I stopped watching this show about half-way through the first season; I felt that Mary was being shown as too sympathetic of a character (sorta like what they did with Henry VIII's character in The Other Boleyn Girl), when, in truth, she was a rather ruthless, self-absorbed woman, even as a young girl. However, I did

Most of the commenters on this site probably don't get your Soylent Green reference, so don't feel bad about your current dearth of up-votes. These kids just don't appreciate "classic" gross-out pop culture.

"There was no thought put into it." That much is certain, Mr. Maher.

I dunno… After reading all of the accounts of Dick York's poor heath and pain issues during his years on the show and after, it's difficult to even watch him without wincing in sympathy. In any event, I liked Darren 2.0 better; he just seemed less annoying, although I will admit that Dick York was a better "foe" for

It worked with Darren Stevens, so why not?

But I do know sign language.

And a good choice it was, too.


I guess you've never heard of Wanda.

Why? I think it's worth an up-vote. It's even worth writing about an up-vote.

Aziz Ansari also did it. So did Jeff Dunham. I wonder if they got letters?

We're all confused, Tent. Don't sweat it.

Well, hell, rednecks have just got it coming. Ya'll.

People are just too fucking sensitive these days.

I love this show; by my measure, Jonny Lee Miller plays Sherlock Holmes better than most and I've always liked the notion of Watson being played by a woman, a role tailor made for Lucy Liu. However, once I figured out the "mysterious woman" was an hallucination, I immediately flashed back to House and that show's