Epic Bitchery

Three hankies, at least.

I think it was pronounced, "SEE-gar." And, of course, the ever-popular "booger man."

Thanks for the reply! It was worth it.

Okay, I gotta hear more of this story. Spill…

Fuck Kinja. I think. Actually, I don't know enough about it to write "Fuck Kinja" with any certainty. However, I do know that every time the AV Club either changes its platform or changes the toilet paper roll in the employee can, we, the intelligentsia, suffer and must adapt. Which totally cuts into our cutting

I watched that episode of "Johnny!" And it was the day I found out about Rickles. Campbell had a blast on that show.

I can understand that. Back in the 60's, 70's and 80's, when he was still putting out a lot of original recordings, I listened exclusively to rock stations and I heard him all the time. However, he was often referred to as a "country artist," which I could also understand, but I don't think he should've been

My dad was an empty shell at the end; he slept, he swallowed when fed, but he did not acknowledge or communicate in any way. He was, for all intents and purposes, gone.

I knew this day was coming. I watched that special he allowed to be filmed about his struggle with Alzheimer's that aired a year ago or so. I remember the opening scene, where he and his wife were sitting on the couch in their home watching home movies and Glen Campbell had that immediately-recognizable blank and

I've been wondering how they are going to handle that one, too. Are they going to kill him off or just "divorce" him into outer space, like they did with Arnie?

I agree with you, there; I never really cared for her and the character she played was utterly unlikable.

Little song, little dance, etc. RIP Chuckles.

i always thought that was an interesting bit of casting. By the way, up vote for your avatar picture. Obviously, you're from the 'hood!

Well, the show had it's moments and some really funny scenes over the years.

Why watch it, if Dan isn't around? It sucked when they "killed" him off.

Now there's an interesting visual. I wonder if he required a whole sheet or paper, or was half a sheet enough?

I think the handing it back part constitutes a commitment. You may be screwed.

Ah… the 90's. The Great Tom Selleck/Rosie O'Donnell Gun Debate. Moses woulda been proud.

Good point. There's Big Bucks in annual dues. Ask anyone who is forced to enroll in - and pay for - a professional association (AMA, ABA, NRA… mox nix)

Someone has to target newspapers. These days, the most reliable information found in print is in the National Enquirer. Both sides of the political spectrum are practically hyperventilating hyperbole, so who knows what the fuck is really going on?