
The episode opened on a meeting of the committee. They had just returned from cleaning up condoms from somewhere?

You take that back! She can also bite her lip. She can do at least two things.

You know who else digs beneath cracks? MY MOM!

Watching Hi-Five Ghost's brother drive made me long for MIND QUAD!

Pilot: "Ugh, maybe I should check out, I will NEVER get used to all this burping and stuttering."

"Could this best be expressed in a letter I wont read?"

[Lana] NYOPE [/Lana]

Most Ridiculous Murder Weapon: Bees
Just reading it made me laugh so hard it hurt.

That was Dexter, and it was quite good until it was the worst ever.

Who says otherwise? Some jealous asswad?

Does it count as sour grapes when it sucked, and everyone knows it truly sucked?

I love that we (royal use) were just talking about what a waste it was to do nothing with the boarding school themeā€¦and now they're using it to close out the season.


That "Seven Wonders" video would have made a swell promo. In the context of the show, mere filler.

I had the same thought about Misty. I wonder if her death was meant to point out that childhood bullying (which she would have received in spades) scars so deeply that she would never have had the chance to realize that her hell was no longer real.

She was my Dark Horse Supreme! She went out in style, though.

Things you don't know you want until you get them.

:wordlessly reaches for you:

New time slot or nude brother fanservice? YOU DECIDE.

I was a bit alarmed to see that later years Billy Joel now has that Jonathan Banks style scary oldster thing going.