
Poor R. Kelly, having to feign interest in a body that is positively elderly according to his standards.

I'll miss our lovely land mermaid.

Funny. Those sound like things you'd cry out upon jolting awake from an ancient, unnameable nightmare.

Lacked a man getting hit in the groin with a football.

Oh, Ron. Even as you've been built up as this mythological Ultra Man, I still knew you'd pick ASS. We all pick ASS. The lure of ASS is inescapable. (Yeah, I said it!)

Okay, I quit a while ago and only tuned back in for the Finn tribute, but can someone tell me WTF Tina is now? Why is she…the way she is? And is - as the above comment makes it seem - her shitting a "thing?"

Think of it this way: instead of cursing your lateness, relish the fact that you can watch your new discovery on your own timetable: a big binge, mini binges, a new episode every night? The choice is yours!

Honestly, if Mystikal didn't send a handwritten thank you note to either Oliver or TDS, he fucked up.

[Jessica Williams peeks out of cracked dressing room door, whispers "Is Maher gone yet?" with panic in her eyes]

This renders my "WTF is Snooker?" segment moot.

My personal favorite was her "Thank you!!" to Fiona before she raced back inside the mansion to tend to the pretty neighbor boy.

Downvoter will die crushed in Queen Basset's cheekbones, a fate to be greatly desired even as it punishes.

Liked for fat-ass cracker bitches everywhere.

"Why should we do anything to appease this axe man?"
"Because he kills women with an axe!"

Go home, Randy. You're drunk.

One generally doesn't get sepsis from eating.

As long as we can agree that she's also so, so dumb.

I know promos get to take liberties and all, but I have had NO ladies hanging against walls, let alone that terrifying one that was hanging out in the fireplace. Y U NO TIMEOUT BABY WITCHES ON WALL, MURPHY?

"You keep making mistakes!"

I wanted to see that, too! "BACTINE, LINUS."