
Everyone hates Quinn, but I adore her. I've never felt so alone fanwise, but I don't curr.

He says "Ambitious Slut" like it's a bad thing.

You need to school every. other. gimmick. You are never not perfect.

"I love the grid. It's where I meet 40% of my jump-offs."

You need the CW.

(A slight variation on the formula, but work with me here)

Many moons ago, I deeply dismayed a boyfriend who wanted to get me jewelry for my birthday by requesting the first season of Oz on DVD instead.

Don't worry. Country Lawyer is on it, if only she could get some help with her very itchy bra…

What, you don't enjoy commercial breaks so long that you honestly forget what you were watching? I consider it a happy little surprise. "Oh, right! Mean Girls. "

And/or KAKOW!

Artemis Day and Dennis Day would collide at a dumpster: she's fucking in it, he's getting rid of evidence.

He left the world the same way he entered it.

You're thinking of Girls Guide to Depravity. I'm thinking I should reconsider sending this comment.

Yeah, I hope someone on YT gets around to editing a Winston's Adventures supercut.

When Country Mac stated that he was loud and proud, it became instantly clear to me that there was a cock on his shirt. Somehow I had not noticed it at all prior.

"At the corner, take a fright!"

[please see above]

Correct! I was never referring to the grade. I only had in mind the people who were snarking at these first efforts because they aren't perfect.

Like BB's Mike, but slightly different.
