

By the time I learned to close my eyes during commercial breaks, it was too late.

Being wanted and being wanted for questioning are very different things, Gunther.

Yes! Dee and Charlie are my (tiny) hands down, favorite wildcard pair.

But she has such a cute apartment! It always surprises me.


I was hoping for a shot of the girl with the piano wire standing alone and victorious in the middle of the bar.

:bloodshit everywhere:

I watch this the same way Homer watches Twin Peaks.

Finally we will know the shape of Chicky Hines' head.

How do you make a box out of barely concealed disdain?


Duh, essentially we all enter into a contract whereby the last surviving participant becomes the sole possessor of all them purty Blu-rays.

Is it tough to type with both pinkies up?

On the next episode of Low Winter Sun, everyone watching Breaking Bad let out guttural howls that rendered the night sky in two. 

And hookworm!

It was Wilfred, but with, like, giant Mickey Mouse hands, I think? IDK.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sold on the accident. Ryan could have just as easily shoved his father down the stairs. We don't know, because we are watching someone very, very sick.

Ryan's Black Neighbor: I am here also.