
You have explained most things, if not everything.

"I also wonder what it's like to have a woman in a bedroom."

This is the very first time it has occured to me what a treacly name Dawn Summers is.

You leave Retta out of this, unless you want her to no longer leave the window cracked when you're waiting in the car.

Liked for purple wedding dress. Assume episode will have subtle Prince reference.

….because it was on the other day? He looked all of twelve!

Missed opportunity to have Mac become fond/protective of Dee and have no idea why.

I love you so much I want to put you in a box and stab it.

This paints all of Ezra's recent scenes with Emily - the most oft-tortured Liar - in a new light.

I cackled like a villainous madwoman and yelled "YES. FINALLY. SOMETHING IS HAPPENING."

Well now I HAVE to know. Exactly how many episodes before they provided some backstory?

I'M still weirded out by a little girl who goes by her first initial. I don't know why I find it so off-putting…

Hey, I already knew I was a smart, strong, sensual woman, and now giving voice to inanimate objects adds to my appeal? Lovely!

I truly hope someone makes that their username.

Today I tried to think of the name "Chicky Hines" and all my brain would produce was "Fuzzy Collins." Which is okay too, I guess.

Make your own kind of finale.


He didn't show her, she didn't attempt to look.

Joke's on you, Quinn IS a garbage can. He used to live in a tanning salon, and had enough oils and Hawaiian Tropic thrown into him to mutate him into sentience.
