
Not even a swing and a miss. A "gaze vaguely at the ball as it flies past you" and a miss.

If only Cuba Gooding Jr. had lived long enough to see this…

You would have gotten the one for Angry Handy Jays.

I've learned that a desk sandwich is a cure-all, and that affixing goals to wine bottles is a fine motivator.

[this comment is the sound Steve makes when playing tennis in a dream or getting his shoulder popped back in]

How loose are these standards? And by that, I'm asking if I'll get to see Stan's penis the next time a bird lands on it.

Finn might actually win points with the fam through having such a wicked soul as a brother and BFF.

Stealing from the rich to give to themselves!

I am basically smiling like this.

I've never been frightened by a TOH (as was asked above), but Lester's wordless skateboarding gives me genuine creeps to this day.

Doth protest. Someone was awakened and did not like what they found.

Yes, Mr. Mueller, everything stinks.

Oh, it's raining again.

We just want closure!

Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who bash in heads with rocks!


You think Stan has one horrific secret?

Even the animated ones!

AV Club
Now go fight a bat so we can watch TV

Just replace each "review" with "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING!"