
Oooh, you're dark.

All I saw was major character assassination of Troy. There's whimsical, and then there's pure cowardice. This was beneath him.

I think "When push comes to shove/you gotta do what you love/even if it's not a good idea" is a much improved "Be like boy!" if not an actual life motto.


"A crackhead with a knife?" Did someone ask the Robot Devil for the gift of elegant phrasing?

The first time I saw his standup, he licked his lips after every. single. punchline. The smug fuck smirk is a step up.

Not even a minute running, and a princess has spread her flaps and invited Finn and Jake in.

And the steel mill. Where Mulan and Aurora work!

Story of my life. Or around twelve weeks of my life.

Since this show is all layers upon layers, the decline of Pete's hairline is a visual metaphor, right?

Lord, I almost choked when the first adjective under Dewey was "cute."

Put that away!

I'm gonna start dropping F-bombs. Fart you, fart head.

You would really like the ATHF where Carl is built a body made entirely of eyeballs.

I just like like, you know?

I interpreted the post as the show dropping the subject for the moment, but I would be really surprised if it wasn't revisited in the future.

I knew it was him! I will celebrate by doing the worm! :bangs body against floor repeatedly:

You mean I could have been hiding my flaws with leaves all this time?!

"That boyband musical number" was called "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12 (Boyz 12))" AND YOU WILL RESPECT IT AS SUCH.

His nose comes off!