
Honestly, I don't remember. We were all just so shocked that Mom actually said it. But I don't think we traumatized the poor girl too badly; she and the aforementioned family friend son are getting married soon!

The Clementine scenes reminded me of the time the son of some family friends brought his new girlfriend to our 4th of July bash at the lake. She was wearing a 2-piece that highlighted her … assets, and told her bf's sister she was feeling self-conscious about meeting everyone in it.

Hey, hey, I may be sick and twisted but - uh, what was that last thing you said?

So we have "Blackish" telling us that Mother's Day is awesome and Father's Day sucks, while "The Middle" maintains that Father's Day is amazing and Mother's Day is terrible. Who am I to believe????


Wasn't there a Simpsons moment about that?*
Kent Brockman: And what common household item is probably killing you right now? We'll let you know … at 11!

Did they ever reveal what the big news Luis had for his employees was? I think I missed it.
(I supposed I could see if it's mentioned in any of the comments, but … meh.)

Inconsequential Backstreet Boys? Well, one of them is probably Howie …

I still initially pronounce it "Ore-Ga-no" before correcting myself.

Marge did quite well filling up that rented spice rack. She must have been doubling up on some of them.

I don't see the "genius" of Paul Thomas Anderson, either. Granted, I haven't seen all his movies, but the ones I have seen it seems his M.O. is dramatic = constant screaming. It's like watching 2 hours of adults having temper tantrums.

I'm partial to "Wuntch time is over" myself.

Oh look a bird!

It probably isn't the coolest example, but I remember the first trailer to ever make an impression on me. My 8th grade class had taken a trip to Disney World, and one of the guides was telling us about the new animated film they were working on: The Lion King. When he described it, I thought to myself, "No

"Release the spit valve!"

Having worked in the hotel industry, I found myself mentally referencing this show constantly. Whether it was someone complaining about their view ("What did you expect to see? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?"), to people who demanded a noon check-in, despite the fact our check-out time was 11 and there were people

From the short lived "Neighbors" (paraphrased): Oh, come off it, Marty; we both know how this will play out - you and Debbie make plans, we want to come too, you say no, we come anyway, hijinks ensue, we all learn a valuable lesson, and everything's wrapped up in a nice little package usually by 9:00.

I haven't been the same since realizing "Uptown funky what" can sound suspiciously like "Uptown f*** you up".

Was this episode the debut of "craptacular"? (And may I just add that I love my phone recognized "craptacular"?)

I grew up watching "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", but our copy was a Betamax, which wasn't the best quality. The day we got the movie on DVD was the day I realized the majority of characters were played by the same actors.