
I'll always love the scene where they have to get X number of cases done before midnight (can't recall why). They were down to the very last case with minutes to go, but the person reading the charges spoke incredibly slowly. Dan grabs the paper and proceeds to read through everything at a speed that would have put

My favorite exchange from "Skytanic":
Lana: CAPtain LAMmers!!
Archer: Nice read, Velma.

They should have named it "The Bye Bye Bye Man" and had an NSync reunion. Talk about a missed opportunity!

Whenever I need a pick me up, I watch this clip from 3rd Rock.

Rosemary's face when she sees the baby always used to freak me out; I didn't think it was humanly possible to open your eyes so wide it looked like they were literally about to pop out of their sockets. Kudos to Ms. Farrow.

She was replaced with another ballerina halfway through the night.

Getting high and watching Anne of Green Gables while eating kettle corn with socks on my hands.
I finally know life's true purpose.

"Furguson, avenge me!"

"Abortions for all!"
"Very well. No abortions for anyone!"
"Hmmm. Abortions for some; miniature American flags for others."

Why would I hate a demon possessed God?

Then everything is wrapped up in a neat little package.

Duffman stands by his choice of music. Oh yeah!!!

Oh, you're right! Which makes a lot more sense. Still great, though. (BTW, I accidentally down voted your comment. I apologize.)

I have two: The first is Kate Winslet finally winning an Oscar and trying to find her father in the audience. "Dad, whistle or something to let me know where you are!" *whistle from the balcony*

Ok I'm really trying to figure out how to Google this without getting some unintended consequences.

*Thought I had while watching the "Super Bowl Babies/Football is Families" commercials*

Ah, yes, the Spring Smackdown ep. Loved Brad and Jane's fake fight.
Brad: *angrily* Do you think we should switch to paperless billing?
Jane: Mmmm I don't know if I'm ready for that; I like having a hard copy for my records. *throws purse on the ground*
Brad: *growling* Whatever happened to "Hard Copy"? I liked that

That Valentine's Day ep (too lazy to type out its name) was the ep that got me watching this show, particularly the scene of Jane macing everyone at her surprise birthday party.

The comment about needing more women reminds me of one of my favorite parts in the "Family Guy-Star Wars" parody:

Was anyone else expecting the electricity to come back on in the middle of their "Energy Conservation Awareness" episode?