
By the way, my apologies for asking a techy question here, but I don't know where else to ask it: does anyone else have issues with logging in to AV Club with their mobile phone? I'll be logged in, and then get randomly logged out, and then be unable to log back in for several days. Does this happen to anyone else?

I still remember the very first "Pinky and the Brain" segment I ever watched. "Charlie Sheen/Ben Vereen/Shrink to the size of a lima bean."

When my siblings and I communicate that dinner is ready to one another, we mime eating with a crazy grin.

Yet another one a while I was at work:
A coworker, either through incompetence or apathy, failed for the umpteenth time to do a simple task, which makes my job 10 times harder. First thing that came to my mind? "Flames. Flames. Flames. On the side of my face."

It's not an exact quote, but I once got quarters for laundry and thought, "There will be suds tonight!"

You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!

I have many, but one that's come to mind frequently at work is from the 1970s Britcom "Fawlty Towers". When someone keeps sending me emails asking me about the completion of a task that I'm right in the middle of doing, I think to myself, "I'm doing it! I'm doing it now!"

I've often wondered if I could use Bart's "As long as you have absolutely no follow-up questions" statement to get through awkward moments in job interviews.

Home Security Salesman: But, surely you can't put a price on your family's life!
Homer: I wouldn't have thought so, either. But, here we are.

I grew up with this movie, and despite its flaws, it will always have a special place in my heart. Although I was too young back then to recognize a lot of the celebrity cameos.

Thank you for this recap! I love Gumball, and am so happy to be finally getting new episodes. And I'm particularly partial to the line (paraphrasing) "It's one thing being a nemesis; it's another thing entirely being a bully!"

I so wish someone would make a gif (or even just a screencap) of Anais's "cheer" when Gumball says the imaginary friend is as socially awkward as her.

Said enraged parents, "Swearing at my kids is MY job!"

Fun Disney Fact: the studios did not expect "The Lion King" to be such a success. They viewed it as more of a side project while they focused on what they believed would be the true smash: Pocahontas.

I thought "Family Circus" was really about the insidious rise of diabetes in the United States.


Calvin and Hobbes was a staple in my household when I was growing up, to the point that "There are some days when even your lucky rocketship underpants can't help you" was my older sister's senior quote.

Have to throw my hat in the Amazing World of Gumball love-fest. As others have mentioned, the animation is really interesting and I love the sarcastic/snarky humor. Plus some great visual gags. In fact, I give you: Gumball vs Laser Pointer. (Well, he is a cat.)

It would still be on if it weren't for those meddling kids!

Would you stop looking at your feet?!