
"Marge, it takes two to lie: One to lie, and one to listen."
"In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Arnie Pye has a line that I've always dreamed of using should the opportune moment ever arise: "YOU'RE not the time, Kent! YOU'RE not the time!"

I think a Shia LaBeouf wedding dress would include a veil covering the bride's face that has "I am no longer single" written on it.

I love this movie (though I agree Val is a twit) and still often quote it: "You're afraid of my Hwatamalaness". Plus it gave us such a genius but underrated line: "It's like riding a psychotic horse towards a burning stable". RIP, Robin Williams

Ee-ee, ee-ee!

I can't believe there was (unless I missed it) no mention of one of the Dowager Countess's best lines:
"Principles are like prayers. Noble, of course, but awkward at a party."

My favorite part: Homer spelling "Aaaahhh!" in the grass while running-and then jumping to dot the exclamation point.

Is it wrong that I'm just happy to recognize more than one artist/song on this list? Usually I read these lists about music at AV Club and am left thinking something like, "Who are The Moldy Corrugates? Are they new?"

Hey, wait a minute! Dogs can't talk!

It is because of this episode that I am incapable of saying "oregano" correctly on the first attempt!

Especially how his lip quivers and his face crumples, breaking down the facade of the angry, defiant young man to reveal the heartbroken little boy underneath.

What time was this on? I swear, I turned on ABC at 8 and they were showing some "Dancing With the Stars" special.

"You ugly, hate-filled man"
"Whoa, whoa, I may be ugly and hate-filled, but, uh … what was that last thing you said?"

For someone who doesn't want anything when Mike and Frankie are dead, Axl doesn't seem to have a problem taking their things while they're still alive.

I adore this movie. The group of old men is fantastic (especially Carroll O'Connor RIP) and my siblings and I quote it regularly:
"Grace, I got it. I got it, Grace"
" That rat bastard! "Wat bathtard!"
Plus it introduced me to Dean Martin!

I think the only reason I knew what she said was that I can't turn the closed captioning on my tv off.

Add me to the "This is Such a Great Show; Please Don't Cancel It!" Camp. I was dying at Charmonique's dating site for people with STDs-hotdatescoldsores.com.

When I'm bored, I like to see if someone nearby will get drunk and stumble around comically for my amusement.

Just one-it's from folk singer Dar Williams. And I'm very proud of it.