
I'm probably revealing a bit too much about myself, but was I the only one whose first thought at seeing Naked Rob was "Gibby!"?

Oh apparently it's "Farah" slacks. I guess it's some kind of men's fashion line. I thought it had something to with Farrah Fawcett.

Homer: Are you an angel?
Moe: Yes, Homer, I'm an angel. All us angels wear Farrah slacks.

No, Joan of Snark

I've had just about enough of your Breitbart bashing, young lady!

Oh please. Everyone knows Spielberg has people to kill his dinosaurs for him.

You did. His name was Stampy. You loved him.

Annabelle! The doll's trying to kill me and the toaster's been laughing at me!

Now Ted can write a romantic advice book called "She's Just Not That Into You . . . Yet."

Lisa's indecision about the guinea pigs ("ALBINO!") mirrors why I could never go to a shelter/pet shop to get a cat.

I love how Bob just manages to get through that line, shuddering in disgust the whole time.

It is because of this episode that I can never EVER see or hear the name Walt Whitman and not think, "Leaves of Grass, my ass!"

Push out the jive! Bring in the love!

I don't know why, but for some reason the whole "Did anyone here see Tron?" exchange is something that pops unbidden into my head all the time!

Now I want you two to clean out every one of these organ pipes that you have befouled with your POPular music.

Where fiery demons will punch me in the back . . .

How many people here couldn't even hear the name "Innanagadavida" without immediately thinking of this episode after it aired?

Hee hee hee! Shh!

At the rate Hollywood is going, I won't be shocked to see a "Hunchback of Notre Dame" film starring Channing Tatum as the title character, whose "hideousness" is a couple of scars, a slightly lazy eye and bad posture.

"You want results? You have to go to the Schwarzeneggers, the Stallones, and to a lesser extent, the Van Dammes!"