
Wasn't Mabel also the name of Chuck's wife?

Mastodon's Emperor of Sand kicks so much ass. "Jaguar God" is amazing.

"The colors, the colors"

"Foodie's, we're a store with food,… and heart"

Also that comic strip "The Lockhorns"

It was the Memorial Day episode where he basically drags Peg into the house and it's inferred.

They are certainly getting more exposure nowadays

mmm-hmmm Him….

He kind of lost me when he endorsed Hillary despite fully knowing that a Trumptatorship would be WAY better for comedy.

Seal Team Rick

Yes, it was in his backpack. The message he wrote was meant to signify he didn't know about the Garbage betrayal

See above, a great theory is that they are stranded tourists from the Eastern Bloc who're getting by with spotty English

Nobody was stopping her from killing Dwight (which is what should have happened).

Upvoted for Ill Nino reference. That's some deep 90s ass rock knowledge you got yourself

I'll keep watching, but this episode was fuckshit

I bet Carl's Jr is working on a suitable replacement

Rolling Stone's anti-metal bias is pretty embarrassing; they should stop reviewing stuff they are already going to hate.

I can't wait for Better Call Saul!

I liked when Tara gave Rachel the middle finger. Cool callback.

You know your Tom Baker, damn!