
I must have misheard it.

That was totally Judas who founded the Grail.

That's how removals should be done; no fanfare, no riots, no murders. No warning at all; just wrecking balls at ass o'clock way before dawn.

Maybe he chooses not to, like the stereotypical Francophone who would refuse to do so

That's what I thought!

You pass butter

Sad, but true

Boogie Nights gave me a whole new appreciation for firecrackers and "Sister Christian"

Great song, great cover!!

PC means "parental concerns"

This film was awesome. I liked the twists and turns. The nudity advanced the plot nicely and wasn't gratuitous at all.

The "I'm self-consummating" distraction technique effing killed me.

I hope they cast Hank Azaria. He has a mean side-to-side head nod as well as the acting chops

have someone chain you to a radiator for three days and on the third day present you with a raw potato. It will be the best fucking thing you've ever eaten. I guarantee it.

That's a great story!

This gets an official apology, but they're still mum on the institutionalized multigenerational boy rapes since day one. Bigly sad!!

They made them yellow on purpose for marketing reasons.

I hope pickle never decides to become a clam; it might diminish her in the eyes of her hero

I wish we could put an end to PC bullshit and just publish their utterances verbatim. All this censorship in the guise of "protecting the innocent" is nonsensical given that the "moral" majority has chosen to fellate the president and his cronies up to the taint.

I'm pretty sure Denis told Cassidy "I don't need your pity" when he was trying to help him put on his shoes. Great episode!