
They need to bring back the gothic horror of the Seventies Who, although no one can truly replace the Ox on bass

Its because they write themselves into a corner and a regen is the only recourse. The actor usually bails also to avoid being typecast (quick, name one other role Tom Baker is known for).

It's been addressed, and the niche hard core fans don't care.

He would make a great Steve Bannon; probably take him all of 30 seconds to slob up real nice

I understand Casey is into the Wu tang

It was a decent speech.


This was a REALLY good episode, although I don't know why Negan believed Dwighty boy and killed Dr. Carson without better proof that Sherie was dead.

Didn't the TMZ guy get his start as the waiting room reporter on TPC?

…the doors are suddenly locked and barred from the outside as the gala Trump bashing reaches a crescendo with a surprise appearance by Alec Baldwin as Trump and Spicey. Then a flurry of gas grenades are thrown through the windows by Pro-MAGA Bannon units who have surrounded the treasonous affair. After a three count,

You're lucky you're not dead.

For home use, NO. Under constant observation (like surgery or post op), sure

Very shocking, although I doubt that combo would be harmless in a person with a perfectly healthy heart.

No need to join FB; I accessed it just fine

I'm making this this weekend. Looks delicious. I'm going to use the Mortar and pestle I bought years ago too.

The tip about rinsing the chopped onions is worth its weight in gold. I'm totally doing that!!

The Orwells watch you even when you think no one is

"A Quantum of Molest"
"License to Tweet"
"A View to a Shill"
"From Russia, with Love" Oh wait, that's a real one…

I wish Bruce was Born to Run for office

I hope he wears his outrageous suits every day for that jorb.