Three Hole Punch Jim

Thanks for playing. Better luck next time

This is a Reasonable Discussion
I love talking about this stuff with people. I'm in school for engineering, but if I were to study something else and make way less money it would be philosophy or something, so I'm glad I stumbled upon this article from when I was ten years old.

So, Calvinist, it sounds like the answer of your question is definitively, "No."

I like you, McNutt.

When in doubt—ask Wikipedia

…bunker? IT ALL CONNECTS!!!

I look like Krasinski, if you guys ever roll through Appalachia

Another instance
they just keep hitting closer to home…

Nine-year-olds masturbating?
That's just inappropriate.

and no, not just because it rhymes with Krasinski.

Radzinksy FTW!

I always click "Sort by grade" and dive headlong to the bottom. Oh, what's that? You'd like to tell me about a stellar performance and impeccable directorship? No, thank you.

Then it wouldn't be successful, would it? I kinda thought the fail was in the obvious nature of most "#-sies". I applaud you. Successful Fourth-Lokosies.

I liked it.

I missed it
I'm going to watch it on Hulu tomorrow morning.

my bad

I agree. I've always like Dwight and Pam's dynamic. Last night was the first time they've actually come out and acknowledged that they're sorta friends though. Either way, I like it, and given the way things have been going, I would be more than happy to see them chase that rabbit trail.

I don't care! I was just determined that today I was going to lose my virtual firstie virginity on the AVC. There's a first time for everything. Except mine was second. Ahhh, the travails!


you ruined my first ever firstie. I will not forgive you