Three Hole Punch Jim

Too much
Everybody's making a debut these days…

I'm with you guys. They're really trying too hard to make her stupid. I liked the stage where they were starting to make her more "quirky," but they passed that right up and now she thinks you're supposed to swallow the apples when bobbing for apples (I admit that was funny-but still). I guess what I'm trying to say

I don't know either one personally?

Guys, you have no idea what it's like living with her.

I didn't plan this as well as Marble Madness

I'm 21, I was a freshman or sophomore when that song came out. I like pop-punk. I hate Fallout Boy.

I was only three years old when all this unfolded, and I don't really listen to this kind of music, but I really enjoy this series too. I like reading about what went on when I was a blissfully ignorant kid and what led to the terrible music I got to put up with in middle school.

Who doesn't call a dork like that back?

Agreed there.


Dave was a good one. But not quite my favorite…

How does that relate to a segue?

In all fairness, that wouldn't happen if you were registered.


Well, I bought the car with 68,000 miles on it.

I had wondered if the Recycler-O-Matic was random for everybody. But it's not! Thanks guys!

@Mick Foley

I did what?

@ The Horse I Rode In On:

Open link in incognito window…