Three Hole Punch Jim

Senor Bagofcrap, you beat me to it.

That short post summed up their 30 seconds of anticlimactic monologue. Yours was better.

The Story Toys
Would that these toys came alive and a riveting trilogy of Piksar movies were made to chronicle their adventures

failed infinitsies

I listen to all kinds of stuff when I'm doing homework. I didn't say I never had time to listen to music; I was just saying any music I do listen to pretty much has to be background music.


I usually just find a YouTube playlist of them and let it play in the background. I don't own any of their albums. But I like several off of Californication, and the ones I know of from One Hot Minute I really like too

Ah, well I may feel that way later. I'm still fresh out of the tenuous clutches of youth at 21

Yeah, but seriously. I really dig RHCP, and I just discovered them this year. Give me a break, geez.

was the first year I ever listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers. I like them a lot.

There was a whole thread about women=shiny things on the Tolerability Index the other day.

I suppose I stand partially corrected.

Yeah, I think it went a little overboard, but initially Jim definitely deserved it.

@Neytiri: Charles Miner (or Minor?), played by Idris Elba

I like the little tidbit you placed underneath the image that appears when my slow internet refreshes the page.

I think McNutt might have a little crush on Amy Ryan. Discuss.

I never read the comics panel, but I too accept your apology.

I'm actually sort of ok with it. I don't like it, per se, but it's ok. Compare it to the Gap's "revamp" though, and this looks positively superb.

Scratch that. Almost 2 years. Still, though, no small feat.

I'm more impressed that it is a discussion that has spanned almost 2 1/2 years.