Soap Impression

i am typing on a keyboard

Purchased in bulk over the internet

@ Bob Hope

"There's Yee Yee, making disgusting comments on the internet. Never change, Yee Yee"

@Dr Handsome … I thought the tone of that exchange bet. Troy and Jeff was a small callback to the trampoline episode, how they were all Zenned out and into comfy things like Uggs boots.

That harmonica sounds very River-era Springsteen

If you can't download it
You can at least listen to it here

Another 4th quarter comeback

"Don't be embarrassed my son, I've heard it all before I've heard much much worse than that."

Mispronunciation: Impossopible

This thread is scaring the baby jesus out of me

"Gawd!" Is from Napolean Dynamite, right?

In some of the game shots the stunt double for Vince seemed a good half foot shorter than he should be.

Welcome back to FOX News, I'm Blonde.

I have it on good authority those lyrics are actually quite ribald if you read between the lines.

Judas Priest
Hell's Bells

I just want to know his thoughts on how the Rams are going to do next year, in 2000.

The red really popped inside that crystal, it looked fantastic. I think what people are calling an urn was actually a trifle dish, typically used for a layered dessert so yes, it did evoke jello, all it needed was a little parfait action going to complete the effect.

This is awesome - let's do Chai Latte next.

Miles last name is Beardo