Soap Impression


Dougie died on the way back to his home electrical socket.

I mean, if Prince isn't available…..

I would say 2 things:
1) regarding him being a camera hog I would say it's more a case of the family choosing him as a rep to the media and him wanting to shield the rest of the family from the pressures of dealing with the media during a v. sad, stressful time. He doesn't look like he's enjoying it to me he looks like

Great post.

I've seen you make this comment in prior episode threads and I logged in specifically to respond to your insinuation that a 10-hour documentary equals 10 hours of effort or 10 hours of information. The documentary is a synthesis of 700 hours of footage and 10 years of research/reporting. It spans years of events and

My general impression is that Jason is a capable director and the PG people are scrambling to create drama:

The lack of stakes is a comment about the execution, not the premise. Do you expect a show about football players and agents and financial advisors should by definition not have stakes?

Ow, my Ballers!

"It’s this kind of unfocused, lazy storytelling that makes Ballers so forgettable every week. Essentially, there’s no stakes, and nothing feels meaningful or important."

I'M ON A BOAT … that I built.

Well dang. I should have kept reading.

And also, to the point of the original comment, portrayed visually in the HBO series Rome. At least that's the vibe I got.

Next season will begin with Sansa and Theon hobbling through the forest on crutches made from push brooms.

4 words … 4 Washington Lane! The next clue is at the White House!

Mr. Watt. Dude. Babe. Sir. Uh, you need to get me my fuckin Annie soundtrack back like soon

I got that too - still have it in a box somewhere. It pissed me off the sleeve was non uniform and made storage a problem, but I never ditched it. Like the article says I had no idea who Watt was but viewed it as a alt-rock compilation along the lines of "DGC Rarities Vol. 1" or "No Alternative".

1) The Hanneman chickens finally came home to roost.
2) If Richard were a stronger CEO he would have been able to keep Hanneman out of the house during their critical test and that would have prevented disaster.

Yes. Yes I do.

Also Reagan's "it's morning again in America" campaign slogan